Going back to work


Well where do I start, I was diagnosed back in 2018 with stage 4 brain tumour. I've had my radiotherapy and chemo (finished chemo in January 2019). I'm suffering with some long term effects but over all my scans are good. My boss at work had me in for the chat about when I may consider coming back. What sort of hours I could do and whether he could take my ours down for the good of the business. Which is fine. But I'm not ready to go back yet. I'm currently having therapy for the psychological effects. Major anxiety being one that now is the bain of my life. I cant get rid of it, I cant work around it and its draining me. I was so positive through my whole treatment and then bam it just stopped and I started to feel lost. Now the thought of returning to work, and being scared of not being able to cope. Or not being able to feel me. Has anybody else had this problem and how can I deal with my boss without sounding like I'm bailing out all the time xx


Hi Beanylacey,

Don't feel pushed to go back if you're not ready. Have you sought advice from anyone about it? I think Acas is the organisation that you can seek support from as to where you stand and what your boss can ask you to do. Is it a big company or a small one? If it's a big company then have you spoken to your HR department? 

Do you think that the job itself is worrying you? Sometimes it's difficult to pin down exact what we're worrying about...

Hope you've reached a decision as to what to do over the last 3 days xx

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